The FPS-CONV (2018-2023) was one of the first endorsed Flagship Pilot Study in CORDEX and is a shared initiative by Med-CORDEX and EURO-CORDEX
Scientific Objectives
- Investigate convective-scale events, their processes and their changes in a few key regions of Europe and the Mediterranean using convection-permitting RCMs, statistical models and available observations
- Provide a collective assessment of our modeling capacity at convection-permitting scale
- Shape a coherent and collective assessment of the consequences of climate change on convective event impacts at local to regional scales
Science Aims
- How do Convective events and associated damaging phenomena (heavy precipitation, wind storms, flash-floods) respond to changing climate conditions in different climatic regions of Europe?
- Does an improved representation of convective processes and precipitation at convection permitting scales lead to upscaled added value?
- Is it possible to replace costly convection- permitting experiments with physically defensible statistical downscaling approaches such as “convection emulators” that mimic CPMs and are fed by output of conventional- scale RCMs?
Output from the simulations produced were uploaded to the ESGF.