CMIP6 GCM boundary conditions availability, performance and spread tables for different CORDEX domains.
The information behind the tables is collected from published sources and all background information is publicly collected here. You can contribute to this effort in several ways:
- Global climate modelers: Please, report whether you are willing to share 3D model-level boundary data, even if not available through the ESGF. Note that we aim for FAIR data, so the data should be at some point made available through ESGF. Current availability of boundary conditions on ESGF can be found here
- Regional climate modelers: Please, report your CMIP6 downscaling plans, which will be incorporated into the corresponding summary tables. Just leave GCM-related info blank (TBD) if open to downscale any of the community-agreed GCMs.
- Any person can report problems or open a discussion as GitHub issues here. You can also contribute by providing additional GCM evaluation or future spread CMIP6 studies.
This is an outcome of the EURO-CORDEX Task Team on the CMIP6 GCM/RCM-ESD ensemble design